Sunday 30 January 2011


Today was a slightly lazy day.  We had nothing scheduled for the day so we got ready slowly and left Vandon around 11:00 am for Columbia market.  However we had to also make our way to the market slowly because all the tubes are closed!!!!!! It wasn't all bad because it gave us a chance to learn our way around the bus system which is still way harder than the tube.

We finally made our way there after taking a tube, a bus and some walking.  The traveling wasn't too bad today though because it was sunny!!!!

The market was very pretty, but very crowded.  The street was narrow already but with the amount of stands and people walking by there was almost no room to walk.  But it was pretty.  The amount and variety of flowers that could be found were amazing considering that it is WINTER!!!!

Flowers in winter!!

We also saw sooo many cute dogs which made me miss my puppy, Louis.  Hopefully he will Skype me soon...

Other cute puppies...
and Louis.

I didn't buy any flowers (although they are pretty, they are just going to die) but I did buy an adorable cactus which won't die and I seriously can't kill so I am pleased with today.
My adorable cactus.

I have to go buy groceries which doesn't thrill me but I also don't want to go hungry...oh well.


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